Why Go to a Symphony?

The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra is coming Westminster College this Saturday to perform. What’s even better is that every student has free admission to the concert thanks to a donor that paid for all of their tickets.

Why aren’t more people jumping at this opportunity?

Most people that aren’t going simply lack interest. Many are only attending because they have to for a class. There are so many more reasons to check out the symphony than just for class credit, such as:

It’s Relaxing 

There’s a reason why colleges are starting to have music therapy programs; music is a great stress reliever. In one study, music was more effective in reducing a patient’s anxiety before a surgery than prescription drugs. Music does this by lowering the body’s production of cortisol, which is a stress hormone.

It’s Fun 

Research has shown that music triggers the release of dopamine in the brain which result in happiness. With familiar music, the brain can anticipate certain peaks in the music and cause an early dopamine rush. The dopamine rush is so strong that it can compare to the same high one gets from food or sex (yes, really).

It’s Immersive 

Listening to music in your car or on a speaker just isn’t the same. You can turn up the volume and install surround-sound speakers but it still can’t completely replicate the experience. When the orchestra reaches the peak of a powerful phrase, you can feel it in your heart, literally. The vibrations can become so powerful that they make your chest hurt and give you goosebumps.

It’s an Escape

We all need time to step away from work and other sources of stress, which is becoming increasingly difficult in the digital age.

“Music can transport you to a different frame of mind,” Victoria Cidor, a student at Westminster College, said.

It’s hard to think about your homework assignments and dirty laundry when you immerse yourself in the music surrounding you. Even if you can’t focus on the music itself, you can focus on the technicalities of the concert. These musicians have practiced countless hours preparing for this moment, all eyes are on them, yet they still play with seemingly impossible precision.

There are so many reasons to check out the symphony that don’t involve, “because I have to.” Even if you feel like you don’t know anything about classical music, it can still be a great experience. Food and music give a similar feel-good reaction; why not pick the option with zero calories, zero carbs and no chance of staining your favorite shirt?

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